I leave for Spain and Italy in just a few days. As I'm teaching a workshop in Tuscany, I am bringing my oils and watercolors. I've heard horror stories of artists arriving at their destination to find their paints have been confiscated by the TSA (airport security). As a former flight attendant, I can appreciate that the TSA is cracking down on things carried in luggage, but oils and watercolors are allowed in checked luggage as the flash point is much higher than the allowed 140 F.
It is recommended that when talking to airport security, you never refer to your paints as OIL paints. Instead, call them what they are: artist colors made from vegetable oil that contain no solvents. Do not take any solvents or mediums...these you will have to buy them when you arrive at your destination. Pack your paints in your CHECKED luggage. Wrap each tube separately and include with the package a material safety data sheet (MSDS) for each brand of paint. The MSDS forms are available online from the manufacturers or you can click on this link which will take you to artist Lori Putnam's website. She has kindly posted the MSDS for Winsor & Newton, M, Graham, Gamblin and Utrecht. There are also several pages of Tips for Packing and Flying' and a form you can print out to put in your luggage with art supplies. Thank you Lori!
Hopefully I won't get any surprises when I open my suitcase in Barcelona.
And in case you're wondering, YES! These is space for more students in the workshop in Tuscany. The dates are September 4 - 11th. You may even be able to get a bargain airfare on Priceline! Sedona Arts Center is sponsoring the week-long oil/watercolor workshop. If you need your arm twisted, email me....though you'd better make it quick as I leave on August 24th.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A couple of new pieces for the project
I did this hooded oriole when I was starting to plan the 75 for 75 project, but I painted it as a 6" x 8". It's been gathering dust so today I cut it down to a 5" x 7" (it actually works better in a smaller format). To see the rest of the pieces in the 75 for 75 project that my son and I are doing, please click on this link.
Adele Earnshaw - Hooded Oriole #2
7" x 5" original oil
$75 + $6 shipping, unframed
Adele Earnshaw - H = Horses
6" x 6" oil on Pintura canvas panel
$75 + 6 shipping, unframed
This little horse painting is titled H = Horse (part of my continuing painting-my-way-through-the alphabet project) but this oil is 6" x 6" - not the standard size of 5" x 7". As it's not a standard size, you probably won't be able to find a ready-made frame for it. Frame shops often make small frames from their frame scraps, so perhaps your local frame shop will give you a deal on a 6" x 6". I did this little painting a year or two ago as an oil demo in a workshop I was teaching. I'm behind on my alphabet project and this piece works, so why not!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Shane's new piece - Gone Without a Whisper
Shane finished this little gem this evening.....'Gone Without a Whisper'. It's a beautiful piece. I like the way he's handled the shadows on the road in the foregrounds - the dappled light is nice, and the figures in the distance are intriguing. Shane's titles aren't just pulled from a hat - he uses them to further the story that the painting suggests. You can see more of his work (and titles) at www.turpitout.blogspot.com.

Shane Rebenschied - "Gone Without a Whisper"
7" x 5" oil on board
$75 + 6 shipping, unframed
Three pieces for 75 for 75
I'm leaving in less than a week to teach a workshop in Italy...so I'm making a concentrated effort to tidy the studio before I go. I found three unfinished 5 x 7 oils that I started prior to the beginning of the project. I took a fresh look at them, tweaked them a bit and they're done.
Adele Earnshaw - Gambel's Quail #2
5 x 7 oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Mourning Dove #5
7" x 5" oil on board
$75 + 6 shipping, unframed
Saturday, August 7, 2010
WOW! Nice painting, Shane!
I'm going to be choking on Shane's dust before too long. He just sent me an image of this beautiful 5" x 7" oil titled 'Wishful Thinking'. I've talked him out of putting it on our 75 for $75 project as it is much more than a study - and he put quite a bit of time in it. * cough *
The price for the painting is $150, unframed. If it doesn't sell in two weeks, he'll lower it to $100.
Take a minute to check out our oil studies on the 75 for $75 page of my website. We've reduced the price from $75 to $50 on more than 20 pieces that have been on the 75 for 75 page for more than 30 days. (unframed + $6 shipping)
The price for the painting is $150, unframed. If it doesn't sell in two weeks, he'll lower it to $100.
Shane Rebenschied - "Wishful Thinking"
5" x 7" oil on board
$150 unframed + $6 shipping
Friday, August 6, 2010
We're Clearing the Easel !! $25 off $75
Shane and I have reduced the price on more than 20 5" x 7" oil studies that have been on my website for more than 30 days....we don't want them gathering dust. We're continuing to add new pieces every day (well, almost every day) to our 75 for 75 project that will still sell for $75. You can see them on my website by by clicking on this link where I have moved the unsold pieces to the first page. You can see more of Shane's work on his blog.
Check out some of the studies still unsold!
Check out some of the studies still unsold!
Shane Rebenschied - "Tomorrow's Yesterday"
5" x 7" oil on board
$50 + $6 shipping, unframed
Shane Rebenschied - 'The Battle of Fading Light'
5" x 7" oil on board
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Today's painting D = Ducklings
Today's painting is of ducklings, D = Ducklings. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that you can identify a mallard duckling by the little black spot on their face...so these must be mallards. I never saw the mom-duck.
Adele Earnshaw, D = Ducklings
7" x 5" oil on panel
$75, unframed + $6 shipping
Monday, August 2, 2010
Today's painting A = Alley
I know - I'm already up to 'D' but I'd started this on the 15th - and thought I'd better get it finished. This is an alley somewhere in Italy....perhaps in the Cinque Terre area. I'm including some Italian pieces in this 75 for 75 series as I'm teaching a workshop in Tuscany on September 4 - 11. There's room for more students if you'd like to join us!
Adele Earnshaw, A = Alley
7" x 5" oil on panel
I'm teaching the workshop jointly with Joe Garcia, in both oil and watercolor. Sedona Arts Center is holding the workshop - if you'd like more information, click on this link. Our workshop is the first on the list.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Today's painting, D = Deer
Even though I'm in Arizona, there is a small herd of white-tail deer that are often in my garden munching on my roses - so today's painting is D = Deer. I've been lax about adding a painting a day to my 75 for 75 project - but only because I'm working on pieces for galleries - and for an upcoming show at the end of September in Colorado.
This painting isn't finished yet, but you get the idea. It's a 24" square oil done on Ampersand 2" deep cradle board. The title may be Eminent Domain. It's not a good photo as it's been raining here for a couple of days - and I usually photograph my paintings outside.
Adele Earnshaw, D = Deer
5" x 7" oil on panel
$75 unframed
This is one of the paintings that I'm doing for Art for the Sangres, in Westcliffe, Colorado. It's a one evening show that benefits the San Isabel Land Protection Trust and includes well known artists such as Joe Garcia, Jill Soukup, Sarah Woods, Nathan Solano and many more. (and me, of course!)
This painting isn't finished yet, but you get the idea. It's a 24" square oil done on Ampersand 2" deep cradle board. The title may be Eminent Domain. It's not a good photo as it's been raining here for a couple of days - and I usually photograph my paintings outside.
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