I've taken the past few days off from painting in order to pack for a show in Breckenridge, Colorado where I'll join my sister in a joint venture at 'Meet the Artist'. Joanne started painting four or five years ago (you can see her work at www.joannehansonart.com) and she is now hanging in a couple of galleries and doing shows. "Meet the Artist" will be held on June 26th & 27th on the Riverwalk Lawn & Plaza. You'll find us on the part of the plaza that borders Main Street.
Fourth of July weekend, I'll be painting in the Walt Horton Fine Art Gallery in Beaver Creek, Colorado. If you're in the area, stop by and say hi!
While packing, I've been mulling over ideas for the next 75 for 75 project and have decided to start it again on July 15th. The purpose of my painting-a-day projects is to become a better painter. With the last project, I painted bird studies, but this time I'm going to challenge myself a little more and will paint things I've never painted before in oil......and I'll do it alphabetically! I may paint an gorilla or a goat....a constellation or children. I'm going to have fun painting things I've wanted to paint but haven't tackled because it's 'not my subject matter'. Like actors, it's easy to get type-cast or locked-in to a narrow range of subject matter. I think it's a wise thing to become known as 'a landscape painter' or 'a bird painter' - but sometimes I'd like to break out of the box and paint something completely different - which is what I'll be doing!
The project will start on July 15th and will end on August 15th. I will paint at least one 5" x 7" oil a day which I will post my blog and website daily. My son will join me in this project too - though he can't commit to one a day....perhaps one or two a week! In the meantime, check out our 75 paintings from our project that just ended a week ago. There are still paintings available for $75 each, unframed.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Amazing. We made a goal and stuck with it. Since May 15th, my son and I have painted 75 oils for our 75 for 75 project which ends today. These are the last three paintings. I think Shane's 'Turn Left' painting is fabulous. Wow, has he come a long way in the last thirty days!
Thanks for following my blog through this project. I appreciate the support!
As Yoda says, "Do or do not. There is no try".
Shane Rebenschied - "Turn Left at the Yellow Dog"
5" x 7" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Cactus Wren #3
5" x 7" oil on board
At 5:30 PM, I had one more to do....so I poured a glass of wine and painted the very last one. I've decided that this will not be the end of the 75 for 75 project. I've learned so much in the past month that I'd like to continue it...perhaps just one a day. Now I'd like to digest some of the things I've learned and apply it to larger pieces for my galleries. I've had a great time!!
You can see the 75 paintings by clicking on this link, which will take you to the 75 for 75 page on my website. All paintings are 5" x 7" original oils and available for sale through Paypal, unframed. Paintings will be mailed as soon as they are dry and varnished, which usually takes about a week.
Thanks for following my blog through this project. I appreciate the support!
As Yoda says, "Do or do not. There is no try".
Adele Earnshaw - Rubber Ducky
5" x 7" oil on board
(to one of my favorite artists....thanks!)
(to one of my favorite artists....thanks!)
Two more for the last day of 75 for 75
This afternoon I've done a pair of cardinals, #71 and #72. Shane is working on #73 and I write this. We have two more to go!
Adele Earnshaw - Cardinal 3
7" x 5", oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Cardinal #4 (female)
7" s 5" oil on board
7" s 5" oil on board
The last day of 75 for 75
This morning, I finished up two pieces started yesterday, then painted a great-horned owl. I loved painting the great-horned owl - he practically jumped off the brush.
I'm going to keep this post brief as I've got a lot of painting to do in order to meet the deadline of 75 for 75 by this evening (May 15th-June-15th).
I'm going to keep this post brief as I've got a lot of painting to do in order to meet the deadline of 75 for 75 by this evening (May 15th-June-15th).
Adele Earnshaw - Great-horned owl
7" x 5" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Barn Owl Dance
5" x 7" oil on board
5" x 7" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Nuthatch #2
5" x 7" oil on board
Monday, June 14, 2010
Two paintings this morning...
I'm in high gear....got up early and had two little pieces done by noon. The first is a burrowing owl. I got a great reaction to yesterday's barn owl, so may paint another this afternoon. I love burrowing owls. I often see them sitting in the dirt at the side of highway 10 between Phoenix and Los Angeles. They remind me of little aliens. They look like they should have arms. The morning's second piece is a pyrrhuloxia, which I will post in a few minutes. They're only found in southern Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, but I had to paint one of these little guys as they're so cute.
Adele Earnshaw - Burrowing Owl
7" x 5" oil on board
7" x 5" oil on board
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Making up for lost time...
Today, I tweaked two pieces that were almost finished previously, then painted two owls. The first is a barn owl (I think this may be the first one I've ever painted), followed by an Eastern Bluebird, then a chickadee and a screech owl. We've now done 65 pieces for our 75 for 75 project.
Time is running out and we have ten paintings to go. To see all 65 paintings, click on this link to take you to the 75 for 75 portfolio on my website. All paintings are 5" x 7", sold unframed.
The project ends on June 15th!
Time is running out and we have ten paintings to go. To see all 65 paintings, click on this link to take you to the 75 for 75 portfolio on my website. All paintings are 5" x 7", sold unframed.
The project ends on June 15th!
Adele Earnshaw - Barn Owl
7" x 5" oil on board
7" x 5" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Eastern Bluebird
7" x 5" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Chickadee
5" x 7" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Screech Owl
7" x 5" oil on board
Saturday, June 12, 2010
So where is today's work?
I've got a good excuse for not turning out a single painting today. Shane's son, my grandson....eight year old Ethan, had to return to the emergency room this morning for a persistent infection that is not clearing up. So I dropped my paintbrush, met my son and daughter-in-law at the ER and picked up 17 month old Eliza. Eliza and I had a great day - and Ethan is much better this evening.
So I didn't get a single painting done....but that's OK because my family takes priority. I'll have to work double-time tomorrow!
So I didn't get a single painting done....but that's OK because my family takes priority. I'll have to work double-time tomorrow!
"The Day Sam Lost His Watch", the first piece for today
When I saw Shane's painting for today, I couldn't help but think of our goals for doing the 75 for 75 project. His goal was to get back into oil painting. He graduated from Art Center College of Design with a degree in illustration and earns his living as an illustrator - but his work is almost all digital. Not that there's anything wrong with digital...he's done some great work, but he doesn't view it as permanent. Prior to going to art school, Shane did some fabulous watercolors - then worked in oil in a class or two at Art Center...but really hasn't painted in years.
Shane asked to participate in the 75 for 75 project with me in order to force himself to paint daily. Nothing like making a public commitment to keep your nose to the grindstone!
I am astounded at his progress in four short weeks. He's got the education so for him it was a matter of switching mediums from digital to oil. At the beginning of the project, he tried different surfaces and finally found Ampersand gesso board (which is what I use). This little painting deserves its own post.
To see Shane's commercial work, go to www.blot.com. To see the sixty or so paintings we've done for our 75 for 75 project, click on this link to take you to my the 75 for 75 page on my website. (or go to www.AdeleEarnshaw.com and click on PAINTINGS, then 75 for $75.
This project ends on June 15th...so we've got four more days to do another 12 paintings. (wiping the sweat from my brow). I've got to get back in the studio!
Shane asked to participate in the 75 for 75 project with me in order to force himself to paint daily. Nothing like making a public commitment to keep your nose to the grindstone!
I am astounded at his progress in four short weeks. He's got the education so for him it was a matter of switching mediums from digital to oil. At the beginning of the project, he tried different surfaces and finally found Ampersand gesso board (which is what I use). This little painting deserves its own post.
Shane Rebenschied - "The Day Sam Lost His Watch"
5" x 7" oil on board
To see Shane's commercial work, go to www.blot.com. To see the sixty or so paintings we've done for our 75 for 75 project, click on this link to take you to my the 75 for 75 page on my website. (or go to www.AdeleEarnshaw.com and click on PAINTINGS, then 75 for $75.
This project ends on June 15th...so we've got four more days to do another 12 paintings. (wiping the sweat from my brow). I've got to get back in the studio!
Friday, June 11, 2010
At least two today - we'll see if I have another one in me!
Adele Earnshaw - Cactus Wren #2
5" x 7" oil on board
5" x 7" oil on board
I've had a request for another raven. It's a pretty wild background - but for an artist who has a house with blue and purple trim, it's not so wild! I don't recall painting a raven before the 75 for 75 project. I've enjoyed painting them and have decided to paint some larger raven oils for the Walt Horton Gallery in Beaver Creek, Colorado. I'll be painting in the gallery on the Fourth of July weekend.
Just a reminder, you can see the entire collection of paintings that we've done for our project by clicking on this link, which will take you to the 75 for $75 page on my website. All pieces are sold unframed. Shipping within the contiguous U.S. is $5. When you buy a painting, I'll email you shortly after and let you know when I expect to mail the piece.
Adele Earnshaw - Raven #2
5" x 7" oil on board
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Battle of Fading Light...and more
Shane worked on this painting last night. I love the light on the distant hills! I managed to get three done today, making a significant dent in the number of pieces left to do for our project. To see the rest of the work in our 75 for 75 project, click on this link, which will take you to the 75 for 75 page on my website.
I thoroughly enjoyed painting this snowy owl. He was the last painting of the day and just jumped right off the brush.

Shane Rebenschied - The Battle of Fading Light
5" x 7" oil on board
I thoroughly enjoyed painting this snowy owl. He was the last painting of the day and just jumped right off the brush.
Adele Earnshaw - Snowy Owl
7" x 5" oil on board
5" X 7" oil on board

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
* sigh * It was one of those days...
Some days, painting is like pulling hen's teeth. I bounced out of bed eager to get to work in the studio, started a couple of mourning doves then turped out when I found myself getting too noodley. I'm doing the 75 for 75 project to loosen up, not to noodle a painting to death. So after a couple of false starts, I painted a little sanderling.
Perhaps I had trouble painting today because I had my mind on other things. Barcelona. In early September, Joe Garcia and I are teaching a workshop in Tuscany. Joe and his wife Anne, and I have been trying to decide where we'd like to spend a week prior to the workshop. So I spent an hour online this morning, trying to find a place to stay in Barcelona. The last time we taught in Tuscany, we spent a week in Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre on the west coast of Italy) and a week in Montelciano, a hilltop town. So this time, we've voted for renting an air-conditioned apartment in the center of Barcelona. Bueno!
I doubt that Shane will be able to do a piece for the project today. When I spoke to him earlier he was bogged down with commercial work.
To see the 56 paintings in our 75 for $75 project, click on this link. We've got 19 to go in six days?
I'm starting to sweat!!
Perhaps I had trouble painting today because I had my mind on other things. Barcelona. In early September, Joe Garcia and I are teaching a workshop in Tuscany. Joe and his wife Anne, and I have been trying to decide where we'd like to spend a week prior to the workshop. So I spent an hour online this morning, trying to find a place to stay in Barcelona. The last time we taught in Tuscany, we spent a week in Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre on the west coast of Italy) and a week in Montelciano, a hilltop town. So this time, we've voted for renting an air-conditioned apartment in the center of Barcelona. Bueno!
I doubt that Shane will be able to do a piece for the project today. When I spoke to him earlier he was bogged down with commercial work.
To see the 56 paintings in our 75 for $75 project, click on this link. We've got 19 to go in six days?
I'm starting to sweat!!
Adele Earnshaw
5" x 7" oil on board
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
We're on a roll - four paintings for today!
We're really on a roll and have four paintings to post today. I added up on my fingers how many days are left in the 75 for $75 project (seven) and how many paintings we have to do to reach our goal of seventy-five (twenty) in a week's time. Agghhh! That's almost three a day between now and the 15th. But we made a considerable dent in the numbers today.
First is a raven. Living in the Southwest, I can understand why the Hopi Indians regard the raven as a messenger. I often see them flying overhead or sitting on a fence post, observing...as if they are to report back to their leader. And I love to watch them flying for the sheer fun of it.
To see the 55 paintings we've done since May 15th, click here. Paintings need about a week drying-time before I can mail them, but once purchased, I'll email you and give an approximate ship-date. Paintings are unframed, but a 5" x 7" ready-made frame is easy to find at Michaels, Target or a local frame shop.
First is a raven. Living in the Southwest, I can understand why the Hopi Indians regard the raven as a messenger. I often see them flying overhead or sitting on a fence post, observing...as if they are to report back to their leader. And I love to watch them flying for the sheer fun of it.
To see the 55 paintings we've done since May 15th, click here. Paintings need about a week drying-time before I can mail them, but once purchased, I'll email you and give an approximate ship-date. Paintings are unframed, but a 5" x 7" ready-made frame is easy to find at Michaels, Target or a local frame shop.
Adele Earnshaw - Raven
5" x 7" oil on board
Next is Shane's painting for the day. The inspiration for his landscape comes from an area in southwest Colorado, between Dolores and Cortez. I love his atmospheric perspective!
Shane Rebenschied - Tomorrow's Yesterday
5" x 7" oil on board
The third painting is a gray jay. They aren't found as far south as Arizona, where I live, but I've observed them while on painting trips in the Northwest. In Arizona, I have the noisy Steller's Jay. At slightly lower elevations, in Sedona, you'll see the scrub and pinon jays.
Adele Earnshaw - Gray Jay
5" x 7" oil on panel
And finally, last but not least, a New Zealand fantail. As a native New Zealander, the fantail is the bird that piqued my interest in birds when I was a kid, as they seem unafraid and will fly within a few feet of you (actually after the insects that you're stirring up). If I had to choose my favorite bird, this would be it. Hummingbirds would be a close second.
Adele Earnshaw - New Zealand Fantail
5" x 7" oil on board
Monday, June 7, 2010
A house wren and cardinal for today
Two bird houses in my garden have been occupied by busy little house wrens for the past few weeks. The babies in bird house #1 fledged a few days ago without me noticing - but I couldn't help but notice that the babies in box #2 fledged today. The mother spent the morning scolding me if I even dared look out the window and the babies made a very noisy departure. Later, while outside, I was lucky enough to see one of the babies - not much bigger than a mouse, trying to hide in the vinca while momma wren fussed overhead. SO cute! It made my morning. So this morning's activities inspired me to paint a house wren.
Adele Earnshaw - House Wren
7" x 5" oil on board
Adele Earnshaw - Cardinal #2
7" x 5" oil on board
Sunday, June 6, 2010
My second piece for today
This 5" x 7" is a ruby-throated hummingbird, the only eastern hummingbird. If you scroll down to the next post, you'll see the mourning dove I painted this morning. This is #48, so Shane and I have another 27 to paint to reach our goal of 75 by June 15th.
Adele Earnshaw - Ruby-throated Hummingbird
7" x 5" oil on board
My painting for today - a mourning dove
This is the second mourning dove I've done for my 75 for $75 project. If you click on the link you can see the 47 5" x 7" paintings we've done since May 15th. Another nine days to do another 28 paintings! I'd better get busy!
If Shane gets a painting done today, I'll post it here this evening or tomorrow morning.
If Shane gets a painting done today, I'll post it here this evening or tomorrow morning.
Adele Earnshaw - Mourning Dove #2
5" x 7" oil on panel
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Something old, something new
Shane Rebenschied - Stoneman Lake
5" x 7" oil on panel
Adele Earnshaw - Black-necked Stilt
7" x 5" oil on board
7" x 5" oil on board
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