This evening, I am thinking of my friend and fellow artist, Lyn St. Clair, who, tomorrow, will be having bilateral mastectomies for breast cancer. For many of us who are self-employed, medical insurance is prohibitively expensive, so Lyn is uninsured.
Artist Paula Waterman is starting a blog for Lyn's benefit. It will show paintings that Lyn's artist friends are donating to raise money for her medical expenses. I will post the blog address as soon I have it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Time of Day
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"Cats & Cows"
I exhibited a couple of small 6" x 6" cat oils at the Waterfowl Festival, in Easton. I could have sold each one several times. A sleeping kitty seems to work well in a square format.....enough space for the body plus a leg or a tail hanging down. On the flight home from Maryland, I was thinking of a project for December....and have decided to do a series of paintings of little cats. Dare I try to paint 12 before early December?
On second thought, Windrush Gallery in Sedona has been asking for paintings of cows. A-ha!
I will do a series of six cats and six little calves. I will post them here as I complete them.
They will be at the gallery by December 8th.
On second thought, Windrush Gallery in Sedona has been asking for paintings of cows. A-ha!
I will do a series of six cats and six little calves. I will post them here as I complete them.
They will be at the gallery by December 8th.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sleep on it"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I've been busy!

I leave in less than a week (November 11th) to exhibit my work at the Waterfowl Festival in Easton, Maryland. I think this might be my 25th year. How is that possible?
The festival is held in the pretty little town of Easton, Maryland - on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. It's a 1.5 hour drive from BWI (Baltimore) Airport. The entire town is involved in the festival - with exhibits in the armory, schools, even the fabulous old brick building that houses the Elks (which is where you'll find me). I usually take about 35 originals.
These are some of the little guys that are on their way, Fed-ex, to Easton. (divided up into two posts) They are all either 6" x 6" or 7" x 7".
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"Anniversary' - quick draw

Last night's opening for the Sedona Plein Air Festival was a 'gala' event at L'Auberge, on the creek in Sedona. The week's work for all the artists, plus our 'quick draw' paintings, done at L'Auberge yesterday morning, were exhibited. I think all the artists were surprised by the turnout. The place was packed and people were buying!
Curt Walters selected my painting, 'Yellow Umbrellas - Uptown Sedona', for an award. Jill Carver, a lovely artist (English living in Texas) won the well-deserved 'Artist Choice' award.
I sold several pieces, including yesterday's quick draw painting titled, 'Anniversary'. My 'motif'
was the outdoor restaurant overlooking the creek. As this was a 'quick draw' we had to start painting right at 10 am and stop painting at noon. As it turned out, the couple I chose to paint,
were celebrating their 25th anniversary. They came to the gala and bought the 8 x 10 painting.
It's always nice when a painting goes to the right home.
All the artists will be in the main gallery at Sedona Arts Center from 10 am to 5 pm today, and 10 am to 3 pm tomorrow. We're only allowed to exhibit three pieces in the gallery per artist. As the paintings sell we replace it with another piece from inventory, with the goal to have sold all six by Sunday afternoon.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sedona Plein Air Festival

I'm one of thirty artists participating in the Sedona Plein Air Festival. It's been a long week but I've done some pieces I'm happy with. I volunteered to house an artist for the festival - and have had a great week with my house guest, Larisa Aukon, a classically trained Latvian artist who has been in the U.S. for twelve years.
These are three of the pieces I've done this week. "Four-Eleven", the 8 x 10 with the red door and windows, was done in Jerome. The second, "Indian Gardens" is the historic country store a few miles down-canyon from my house, and the third, 'Yellow Umbrellas', was done on the first day of the festival in uptown Sedona.
It's been fun!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
"Full Tide"
"Break the Silence"

Next week, October 19th through the 26th, I will be one of thirty artists painting plein air in the Sedona Plein Air Festival. In addition to the exhibit of the work that we will paint on location in Sedona and surrounding areas, there will also be a Showcase Exhibition of studio work.
This little studio piece, 7" x 7", titled 'Break the Silence' will be on exhibit at the Sedona Arts Center in the 'Showcase' exhibition.
"Fly Away Home"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Flotilla" & "Wilson Mountain"

Now that Art for the Sangres is over, I'm painting for the next two shows. The Sedona Plein Air Festival is mid October, here in Sedona...where I live. In the 'Showcase Gallery', we're allowed to show studio pieces....but the rest of the work will be painted the week of the show and will be strictly painted on location. This Sedona landscape is 10" x 10".
The second piece is a little piece (6" x 6") titled 'Flotilla', earmarked for the Waterfowl Festival in Easton, Maryland in mid-November.
Monday, September 29, 2008
"Cows & Asters"

I just returned from a one-day show, Art for the Sangres, in Westcliffe, Colorado.
I was not expecting a very good show because of the economy, but went prepared with a variety of sizes, including more little pieces than I would usually take. I sold 14 of 19 pieces in five hours!
WOW! If you are an artist, take heart.....people are still buying art. If you are an art-buyer......thanks. I can only do two things - paint, and evacuate aircraft. I'd like to stick with my current career choice.
I painted this little piece on location in Westcliffe. It sold at Art for the Sangres.
Monday, September 15, 2008
"Winter Falling"

"Winter Falling" is a 6" square oil, earmarked for Art for the Sangres in Westcliffe, Colorado in a few weeks.
The original idea for the painting included flying crows...but I've decided to do a larger painting that will be titled, 'Crows & Cows' and have the dark crow & cow shapes overlap to make large masses.
"Sense of Place"

Sometimes shows request titles and sizes of paintings before they're painted. Usually I spend days thinking of just the right title for a finished painting - but when I don't have a clue what I'll be painting for a specific show - I send a list of vague titles that could be anything. "Sundown" is a good one - it could be setting sun on a cow or a landscape.
Such is the case with this cat painting, named "Sense of Place" that I've done for Art for the Sangres in Colorado in a week or two.

Since I switched to oil two years ago, I've enjoyed painting little pieces - more than I ever did in watercolor. Perhaps I have less time at stake with a small painting . If it doesn't work.....wipe it off and start over. Sometimes I will waste an entire day just playing - turping off - and starting over. At the end of the day, I don't have the feeling that I have nothing to show for the day - but I almost feel exhilarated from the experimentation and new things I have learned.
This little fox (6" x 6") started out this way - just an experiment...but I stopped after the first few swipes with a rag. I liked it - so left it 'half finished'.
This painting will be one of the 18 pieces I'm showing at Art for the Sangres in Westcliffe, Colorado, September 27th.
My friend and fellow artist, Terry Miller, attended this year's Birds in Art Exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin. My painting, 'In the Wind' is in this year's exhibition. I was unable to attend because of scheduling conflicts. Terry has written a blog on this year's exhibit.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
"Little Dogie"

I'm working on oils for an upcoming show; Art for the Sangres, in Westcliffe, Colorado on September 27th. This great show benefits the San Isabel Land Protection Trust. The one day event includes a silent auction for plein air paintings that the artists paint the day of the show.
I'll show 18 originals, but ten of them will be little pieces, such as this 6" x 6" oil, titled, 'Little Dogie'.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Finally, I have come out of the dark ages - and now have broadband wireless internet, thanks to Verizon. I have a marginal cellphone signal at my home, which surprisingly, is enough to get a signal for wireless broadband.
Hughes satellite is getting its walking papers. (No, I would never recommend HUGHES)
My new email address is: I promise it won't change after this, as I'm using my brother's company, Swift Wireless for my mail. (
Please make a note of my new address and delete the old address (
Hughes satellite is getting its walking papers. (No, I would never recommend HUGHES)
My new email address is: I promise it won't change after this, as I'm using my brother's company, Swift Wireless for my mail. (
Please make a note of my new address and delete the old address (
Friday, September 5, 2008
Aotearoa - Land of the Long White Cloud
It's a hard life - but someone's gotta do it!

As you can see, it's a hard life but the great weather didn't last.. It got even better with rain, snow, low clouds and cold temps. I actually prefer the inclement weather. It's moodier and there are no bugs!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Watercolor Workshop
I am teaching a three-day watercolor workshop at the Sedona Arts Center, September 6, 7, 8.
For more informtion, please contact Vince Fazio at the Sedona Arts Center,
For more informtion, please contact Vince Fazio at the Sedona Arts Center,
Friday, August 15, 2008
Aspen - Columbine Landing

I'm in Colorado painting with 14 other artists for Parade of No Homes....a fundraiser for the Continental Divide Land Trust Coalition. I'm painting with V....Vaughan, Joe Garcia and Joanne Hanson.
This is yesterday's 8 x 10 oil.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Colorado - Parade of No Homes

This week, I will be in Colorado, participating in the first annual Parade of No Homes - a driving tour of protected open spaces with artists on-site, capturing the landscape on canvas. Sponsored by the Continental Divide Land Trust in Frisco, Colorado, art created this week will be for sale, along with food, cash bar, live music, silent auction and 'green' non-profit booths at the annual Friends of Open Space Party. For details and more information visit
Over the past few years, I've done three limited edition prints to raise money for the Continental Divide Land Trust. Winter Fox is the latest. It is available for $35 from the organization.
If you subscribe to my blog, I apologize if you have received today's post twice. Blog spammers spammed me - and the only way I could get rid of it was to delete the entire post, then post it again.
"No Peanuts for Santa"

Four years ago, I discovered that I'm allergic to peanuts. The life-threatening diagnosis is also life changing in a positive way. Eating in restaurants and airplanes isn't quite as easy as it used to be but I feel so much is a fair trade.
I learned that there are two to three millions others in the U.S. with peanut allergy. The majority of the severely allergic are small children. I belong to an online peanut-allergy forum where, in December several years ago, I posted a 'No Peanuts for Santa' poem, where Santa discovers he is also peanut allergic. The response was so good, I decided that when I had time, I would do illustrations to accompany the poem and self-publish a children's book, 'No Peanuts for Santa'.
The time has this month, I've started working on the book. But who would agree to pose as Santa? Who else, but my good friend and fellow artist, Joe Garcia!
I share with you, one of the reference photos.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
"Low Clouds & Cows"

....or is it 'Low Cows & Clouds?'. This is a 12 x 24 oil that I've done for an upcoming show, 'Art for the Sangres' in Westcliffe, Colorado. The piece just wasn't working until I took the plunge and strengthened the foreground with cad yellow & permanent rose - then added the dots and dashes of bright yellow/white behind the cows. I like it!
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Dream Catcher
Friday, July 18, 2008
I signed up for a Yahoo email address and posted it here. Since then, I have won the Irish Lotto at least a hundred times and dozens of wealthy Nigerians have died, leaving millions in their accounts. Of course, being the trustworthy person that I am, they would like me to take care of their money for them. My Yahoo email address must be on every bulletin board in Nigeria. So please don't try contacting me using my Yahoo email address as it no longer exists.
So....if you would like to contact me, go to my website: On the front page you will see my email address as an image - or call me at the phone number to the right.
So....if you would like to contact me, go to my website: On the front page you will see my email address as an image - or call me at the phone number to the right.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Two new pieces off the easel

The bear piece is called, 'Walk the Walk'.....and the fox is "Watch & Wait". Both are 8 x 10 oils done for the show in Breckenridge next week.
Last summer, a huge black bear had his way with my trash can and apricot tree - then left bear poop all over my lawn.....full of apricot pits. I hesitate to use the correct term, 'bear scat' as it looked like it had been fired out of a cannon. Obviously, the huge quantity of apricots he consumed didn't sit well with his GI tract.
Workshop Date Changed
A few days ago, I posted the dates for a watercolor workshop I'm teaching in September, here in Sedona. There is a scheduling conflict with another workshop at Sedona Arts Center, so the workshop date has been moved up a week to September 6, 7 & 8th.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Watercolor Workshop scheduled
I have been receiving a ton of emails asking 'when are you teaching another watercolor workshop'? I hadn't planned on it, but Sedona Arts Center has an opening in September so at the last minute, I am scheduled to teach one.
The workshop will be at The Sedona Arts Center, Sedona, Arizona, September 6, 7 & 8, 2008. I do two demos each day and while students paint, I spend individual time with each one. I will show how I work in transparent pigment, layering and glazing on dry 300 lb paper...but my last demo of the workshop will be in opaque watercolor.
Email me if you'd like more information on the workshop: or or contact Sedona Arts Center directly at: There'll be information on the WORKSHOPS section of my website,, in a day or two.
The workshop will be at The Sedona Arts Center, Sedona, Arizona, September 6, 7 & 8, 2008. I do two demos each day and while students paint, I spend individual time with each one. I will show how I work in transparent pigment, layering and glazing on dry 300 lb paper...but my last demo of the workshop will be in opaque watercolor.
Email me if you'd like more information on the workshop: or or contact Sedona Arts Center directly at: There'll be information on the WORKSHOPS section of my website,, in a day or two.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My Favorite
More of Colorado
Friday, May 16, 2008
Deep in December
Why am I working so hard?
......when I could buy paintings direct from China for a fraction of the time, cost & effort? Geez - I could be shopping at the mall instead of spending each day in the studio!
This is an email received by my sister:
Your website is beautiful, we would like to do business with you.
We are skilled painters in Xiamen China, there are lots of talent painters working together in our studio.We can paint oil painting at every grade of different style, our price and service are very competitive, I am sure you can make more money than before if you buy oil paintings directly from us.
The FOB prices for the paintings in our stock can be USD7/pc for 20x24inch and USD12/pc for 24x36inch, if you are interested in, I can send some photos of our works to you, we also can paint exactly according to your any e-mail pictures, it is very easy to do the international business now, feel free to ask me any question, looking forward to your reply…
This is an email received by my sister:
Your website is beautiful, we would like to do business with you.
We are skilled painters in Xiamen China, there are lots of talent painters working together in our studio.We can paint oil painting at every grade of different style, our price and service are very competitive, I am sure you can make more money than before if you buy oil paintings directly from us.
The FOB prices for the paintings in our stock can be USD7/pc for 20x24inch and USD12/pc for 24x36inch, if you are interested in, I can send some photos of our works to you, we also can paint exactly according to your any e-mail pictures, it is very easy to do the international business now, feel free to ask me any question, looking forward to your reply…
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Colorado Landscapes

My sister, Joanne, only started painting two years ago. She works in oil, doing primarily landscapes. In the past year, she has sold about 20 paintings through the two galleries she hangs in, in Colorado. (
She has been invited to exhibit her work at 'Meet the Artist', an annual show in Breckenridge and
invited me to join her.
These 8 x 10 oil landscapes are for the show in Breckenridge in June.
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